This is to certify that the Ms 名字 is 职业 in our company. She has been working here since 入职时间如2011.01.01.
She is allowed to be off work between 出发时间 and 回程时间 to have a trip to 目的地国家名,total 多少天 days .
We guarantee that he/she will abide by the laws in your country and regulations and return to China on time.
All of the traveling expenses will be paid by himself my company. We agree and will keep her position after she comes back to China. 上面这段大概就是保证我会守法并按时返回 中国 ,旅行的费用由我自己承担,回国后公司将继续聘用我在这里上班。
Name: 名字
Passport No. 护照号
Position :职位
Monthly Salary:月薪RMB
Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.
说说这次租来的这台宝马BMW 118 LIM BE AUT吧,在国内应该属于宝马1系,车载导航是这辈子见过最最好用的,准确率高达95%;定速巡航系统在限速路段超级好用,后背箱看着不大,最多时竟然塞下26、24、20三个箱子外加两个背包,一台无人机;提速超车也非常给力,有种想要买车的冲动,你要是看好一辆车就租来自驾旅行吧,比4S店试驾好多了。